Budget Luxury by willyb53

Dec 22, 2018 at 10:00 am by admin

This product contains two luxury cars from 2008, a Jaguar XK and a Mercedes Benz C Class. Both vehicles contain only two morphs, located in the Body of the model.

These vehicles do not contain detailed interiors and are best suited to external renders.


Each model comes with 5 textures, Controls, Steering including steering wheel, and Rotate Wheels. Also included are driver poses for V4 and M4 for each vehicle.

To use:
• Make sure the vehicle is at zero position, load V4/M4 and apply the pose and
• Next, select the body of V4/M4 and change its parent to mainbody.

To have the hands work with the steering wheel, turn on IK for left and right arms, select the hands one at a time, and parent to the steering wheel.

Tags: 3D Models Poser Transportation willyb53
Sections: 3D Figure Assets 3D Game Models & Extended Licenses