Budget Small Cars by willyb53

Mar 07, 2019 at 12:00 pm by admin

Budget Small Cars by willyb53 and RPublishing contains two Small Cars, a Mazda 3 and a Mits Lancer. 

Both vehicles contain only two controls, located in the body of the model: Steering including steering wheel and Rotate Wheels.

Each model comes with 5 textures.


To use
These vehicles use reflection, and will look best using ray-tracing and with an environment to reflect.

Also included are driver poses for V4 and M4 for each vehicle make sure the vehicle is at zero position, load V4/M4 and apply the pose next, select the body of V4/M4 and change its parent to main body.

To have the hands work with the steering wheel, turn on IK for left and right arms, select the hands one at a time, and parent to the steering wheel.

Tags: Poser Transportation willyb53
Sections: 3D Models